Constance Laszewski

Based in Chicago, IL, Constance brings over 24 years of experience underwriting multi-lines of coverage. For the past eleven years her focus has been specifically on the Public Entity and Non-Profit sectors. Constance started her career with Sentry Insurance Company. After moving to Chicago in 1994, she continued underwriting commercial property and casualty business for multiple carriers and an MGA. In 2003, Constance entered the Public Sector joining Munich Re (formerly American Re). During her nine years at Munich Re, and most recently, Alteris Public Risk Solutions, her focus has been on single risk and group (pool) accounts. Constance’s strengths of a professional demeanor, excellent organization, strong listening skills and desire to solve problems have been the cornerstone of her success in the insurance industry. Constance joined Allied Public Risk at its formation. In her current position, she works with national production sources to build a book of single risk self-insured retention and group accounts.


Constance holds a Bachelor of Science from Viterbo College of LaCrosse, Wisconsin.

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